![ 如图所示,在安装radiomics时, Install Extensions,显示错误,Li老师请帮忙看下如何解决。
c20488 解决了吗
我个人没在mac环境下用过3d slicer,不太明白原因。 不过根据报错信息提供一个建议:重装3D Slicer再试试😂
强璐 安装了好多次,换了好多版本都是一样的,老版本4.3又没有Radiomics插件
The problem probably lies in the system environment if it’s not the software itselfs’. Try it bellow I found in Slicer forum.
The most common issue is that you are behind a hospital or corporate firewall and proxy settings are not configured at operating system level, but only in your web browser. You can follow these instructions for downloading and installing extensions manually: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager#How_to_manually_download_an_extension_package.3F 239 quote frome here.
The most common issue is that you are behind a hospital or corporate firewall and proxy settings are not configured at operating system level, but only in your web browser.
You can follow these instructions for downloading and installing extensions manually: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/SlicerApplication/ExtensionsManager#How_to_manually_download_an_extension_package.3F 239
quote frome here.
If that cannot help you still, then you are recommended to try searching like this.