Deep Learning Based Joint PET Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation
该手稿于2021年8月5日收到,于2021年11月14日修订,于2021年12月15日接受。出版日期为2021年12月20日;当前版本日期为2022年5月2日。本工作部分得到了国家卫生研究院的支持,部分得到了国家卫生研究院生物医学成像与生物工程研究所(NIBIB)的资助,资助号分别为R01 EB000194和U01EB029811。(通讯作者:Jinyi Qi。)
Tiantian Li、Mengxi Zhang和Jinyi Qi就职于加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校生物医学工程系,邮编95616,美国(电子邮件:ttlli@ucdavis.edu;qi@ucdavis.edu)。
Wenyuan Qi和Evren Asma就职于佳能医疗研究美国公司,邮编60061,伊利诺伊州弗农山市,美国(电子邮件:wenyuanq@gmail.com;easma@mru.medical.canon)。
使用大约3毫米大小的探测器晶体的最新全身PET扫描仪,PET扫描仪的内在空间分辨率已经大幅提高。因此,生理运动,例如心跳和呼吸运动,已成为临床实践中PET空间分辨率的限制因素。例如,Lu等人报道,在10个患者扫描的323个感兴趣区域(ROI)中,呼吸运动导致平均位移为6.1毫米。因此,对呼吸运动的校正对于获得高分辨率的PET图像至关重要。一种运动校正方法是基于列表模式数据处理的逐事件校正。运动是使用特殊的运动检测硬件(例如POLARIS或Anzai AZ-733V系统)或使用数据驱动方法测量的。事件驱动的运动补偿通过将事件测量的直线响应(LOR)转换到如果物体没有移动时应该测量的位置来执行。然而,事件驱动方法有两个局限性。首先,由于运动,通常检测到的事件可能会退出视野范围,导致事件丢失。其次,由于LOR变换,通常未检测到的事件可能会被检测到。因此,在校正运动后,一些检测到的事件可能对应于不存在实际探测器对。这些问题可能导致图像伪影和信噪比(SNR)降低。
Respiratory motion is one of the main sourcesof motion artifacts in positron emission tomography (PET)imaging. The emission image and patient motion can be estimated simultaneously from respiratory gated data througha joint estimation framework. However, conventional motionestimation methods based on registration of a pair ofimages are sensitive to noise. The goal of this study is todevelop a robust joint estimation method that incorporatesa deep learning (DL)-based image registration approach formotion estimation. We propose a joint estimation frameworkby incorporating a learned image registration network into aregularized PET image reconstruction. The joint estimationwas formulated as a constrained optimization problem withmoving gated images related to a fixed image via the deepneural network. The constrained optimization problem issolved by the alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM) algorithm. The effectiveness of the algorithm wasdemonstrated using simulated and real data. We comparedthe proposed DL-ADMM joint estimation algorithm with amonotonic iterative joint estimation. Motion compensatedreconstructions using pre-calculated deformation fields byDL-based (DL-MC recon) and iterative (iterative-MC recon)image registration were also included for comparison. Oursimulation study shows that the proposed DL-ADMM jointestimation method reduces bias compared to the ungatedimage without increasing noise and outperforms the competing methods. In the real data study, our proposed methodalso generated higher lesion contrast and sharper liverboundaries compared to the ungated image and had lowernoise than the reference gated image.
A. Data Model
Let us denote the PET activity image of a reference fixed gate by x f ∈ RN×1 and that of the mth moving gate by x*m* ∈ RN×1, where m ∈ {1, 2,…, K} and K is the total number of moving gates. In statistically based PET image reconstruction,
A. 数据模型
我们用 x f ∈ RN×1 表示参考固定门的PET活动图像,用 x*m* ∈ RN×1 表示第m个移动门的PET活动图像,其中 m ∈ {1, 2,…, K},K是移动门的总数。在基于统计的PET图像重建中.
A. Simulation Study
The reconstructed images of the test phantom by differentmethods are shown in Fig. 5. The reconstructions were chosenat a matched STD level (see Fig. 6). It shows that theproposed DL-ADMM joint estimation method can generateimages with sharper boundaries in the myocardium regioncompared with other methods. The error maps revealed thatthe iterative joint estimation and iterative-MC recon sufferfrom inaccurate motion estimation leading to high quantifi-cation errors near the myocardial boundary. Clearly, DLADMM joint estimation method reduced the motion artifacts. We also plotted the bias-variance curves of the leftand right myocardium ROIs in Fig.6. All the methods wereplotted for every 10 iterations except the reference gate whichalso included 1 to 9 iterations for better comparison. Theproposed DL-ADMM algorithm reduces the bias comparedwith the ungated image without increasing the noise leveland outperforms the other methods. Fig. 7 compares theline profiles through the myocardium. The yellow lines inFig. 5 indicate the position of the vertical profile. The average FWHMs of the two peaks are 1.99, 2.01, 2.18, 2.11,2.38, 5.35 and 1.95 (pixels) for the DL-ADMM τ**m = 0.4,DL-ADMM τ**m = 0, iterative joint estimation, DL-MC recon,iterative-MC recon, ungated and ground truth, respectively,which indicates that the profile from the proposed DL-ADMMis the closest to the ground truth.
A. 模拟研究
不同方法对测试模拟物体进行的重建图像如图5所示。重建图像在匹配的标准差水平下选择。结果显示,与其他方法相比,提出的DL-ADMM联合估计方法可以生成在心肌区域具有更清晰边界的图像。误差图显示,迭代联合估计和迭代-MC重建由于运动估计不准确而导致心肌边界附近的量化误差较高。显然,DL-ADMM联合估计方法减少了运动伪影。我们还在图6中绘制了左右心肌ROIs的偏差-方差曲线。除了参考门,所有方法每10次迭代绘制一次,参考门还包括1到9次迭代,以便更好地进行比较。提出的DL-ADMM算法减小了与未门控图像相比的偏差,而不增加噪声水平,并且优于其他方法。图7比较了通过心肌的线剖面。图5中的黄线标示了垂直剖面的位置。两个峰值的平均FWHM分别为1.99、2.01、2.18、2.11、2.38、5.35和1.95(像素)对于DL-ADMM τ**m = 0.4、DL-ADMM τ**m = 0、迭代联合估计、DL-MC重建、迭代-MC重建、未门控和地面实况,这表明来自提出的DL-ADMM的剖面最接近实际情况。
In this work, we proposed a joint estimation framework incorporating deep learning-based image registration formotion estimation. We validated the proposed method usingsimulation and clinical data. The results showed that theproposed method can reduce motion artifacts while utilizing allgated PET data and outperform existing motion compensatedreconstruction methods. Further validation using patient datawill be performed in the future.
Fig. 1. The overall diagram of our proposed DL-based joint PET reconstruction and motion estimation (DL-ADMM). The DL-ADMM algorithmconsists of three steps: gated image reconstruction by the maximum aposteriori expectation maximization (MAP-EM) algorithm, motion estimation by a regularized DL-based image registration, and regularizedimage fusion with motion compensation.
图1. 我们提出的基于深度学习的联合PET重建和运动估计(DL-ADMM)的整体图示。DL-ADMM算法包括三个步骤:通过最大后验期望最大化(MAP-EM)算法进行门控图像重建,通过正则化的基于深度学习的图像配准进行运动估计,以及带有运动补偿的正则化图像融合。
Fig. 2. The structure of the motion estimation network. Left: A RegNet consists of several convolution, down-sampling, and up-sampling layerswith skip connections to output a deformation field for each pair of moving and fixed images. The kernel size is 3 × 3 × 3 in all convolutional layers.Batch Normalization (BN), Dropout and Leaky ReLU are used after each convolutional layer. The number of feature channels is listed under eachblock. Right: The cascaded motion estimation network consists of three RegNet subunits which are connected via spatial transformer (STN) layers.The estimated deformation field of each subunit is concatenate with the result from the previous subunit through a convolution layer (Conv). Gaussianfilter with sigma = 2 voxels is applied to the input image pair to reduce noise.
图2. 运动估计网络的结构。左侧:一个RegNet由多个卷积、下采样和上采样层组成,通过跳跃连接输出每对移动和固定图像的变形场。在所有卷积层中,核大小为3×3×3。在每个卷积层之后使用批量归一化(BN)、Dropout和Leaky ReLU。每个块下面列出了特征通道的数量。右侧:级联的运动估计网络由三个RegNet子单元组成,这些子单元通过空间变换器(STN)层连接。每个子单元的估计变形场通过卷积层(Conv)与上一个子单元的结果连接起来。对输入图像对应用具有sigma = 2体素的高斯滤波器以减少噪声。
Fig. 3. Sampled gated reconstructed PET images by the ML-EM algorithm (10 iteration) for DL-ADMM initialization.
图3. 通过ML-EM算法(10次迭代)进行采样门控重建的PET图像,用于DL-ADMM初始化。
Fig. 4. Reconstructed gated PET images of the patient data (ML-EM 10 iteration) for DL-ADMM initialization.
图4. 患者数据的重建门控PET图像(ML-EM 10次迭代),用于DL-ADMM初始化。
Fig. 5. The top two rows showed reconstructed images of the test data set selected at a matched STD level. The bottom two rows show the error maps of the reconstructed images.
Fig. 5. 顶部两行显示了在匹配的标准差水平下选择的测试数据集的重建图像。底部两行显示了重建图像的误差图。
Fig. 6. Bias-variance trade off curves for (a) the left myocardium ROI and (b) right myocardium ROI. The vertical line in (a) indicates the noise levelof the images shown in Fig. 5. All methods were plotted for every 10 iterations except that the reference gate also included 1 to 9 iterations for bettercomparison.
Fig. 6. (a)左心肌ROI和(b)右心肌ROI的偏差-方差曲线。(a)中的垂直线表示图5中显示的图像的噪声水平。所有方法每10次迭代绘制一次,除了参考门外,参考门还包括1到9次迭代,以便更好地比较。
Fig. 7. The image profiles of the reconstructions. The yellow lines inFig. 5 indicate the position of the vertical image profile.
Fig. 7. 重建图像的图像剖面。图5中的黄线标示了垂直图像剖面的位置。
Fig. 8. Reconstructed images of the real patient data set selected at a matched STD level for bed#1.
Fig. 8. 在床位#1上选择的匹配标准差水平的真实患者数据集的重建图像。
Fig. 9. Reconstructed images of the real patient data set selected at a matched STD level for bed#2.
Fig. 9. 在床位#2上选择的匹配标准差水平的真实患者数据集的重建图像。
Fig. 10. Contrast versus noise curve for a lung lesion in 2 bed data. The vertical lines in (a) and (b) denote the noise level of the images shown inFig. 8 and Fig 9, respectively. All methods were plotted for every 10 iterations.
Fig. 10. 2床数据中肺部病变的对比度与噪声曲线。(a)和(b)中的垂直线分别表示图8和图9中显示的图像的噪声水平。所有方法每10次迭代绘制一次。
Fig. 11. The image profiles of the reconstructions for different method (a) bed 1 and (b) bed 2.
Fig. 11. 不同方法的重建图像的图像剖面(a)床位1和(b)床位2。
Fig. 12. Deformation fields along the z-direction for (a) DL-ADMM initialization, (b) DL-ADMM τ = 0.4 output, © DL-ADMM τ = 0 output,(d) ground truth from XCAT program. Difference between the initialization and the output from (e) DL-ADMM τ = 0.4 or (f) DL-ADMM τ = 0.(g) L2 norm of the difference between the motion vector estimated by DL-ADMM (τ = 0.4 and τ = 0.0) and the ground truth as a function ofDL-ADMM iteration.
Fig. 12. 沿z方向的变形场图像:(a)DL-ADMM初始化,(b)DL-ADMM τ = 0.4 输出,(c)DL-ADMM τ = 0 输出,(d)XCAT程序生成的地面实况。初始化和(e)DL-ADMM τ = 0.4 或(f)DL-ADMM τ = 0的输出之间的差异。(g)由DL-ADMM(τ = 0.4和τ = 0.0)估计的运动矢量与地面实况之间的L2范数作为DL-ADMM迭代的函数。
Fig. 13. Bias-variance trade off curves for (a) the left myocardium ROI and (b) right myocardium ROI. All methods were plotted for every 10 iterations.The iterative joint estimation is initialized using the DL estimated motion field.
Fig. 13. (a)左心肌ROI和(b)右心肌ROI的偏差-方差曲线。所有方法每10次迭代绘制一次。迭代联合估计是使用DL估计的运动场初始化的。
TABLE I list the methods and pre-determind hyper-parameters for the reconstruction methods included in this study
表I 列出了本研究中包括的重建方法及预先确定的超参数。
TABLE II nrms of reconstructrd images by diffrent methods at the matched noise level