End-to-end deep learning approach for Parkinson’s
disease detection from speech signals
超过90%的帕金森病患者患有低动力性构音障碍。本文提出了一种新颖的端到端深度学习模型,用于从语音信号中检测帕金森病。所提出的模型使用时间分布的二维卷积神经网络(2D-CNNs)提取时间序列动态特征,然后使用一维卷积神经网络(1D-CNN)捕获这些时间序列之间的依赖关系。在两个数据库上验证了所提出模型的性能。在数据库1上,所提出的模型性能优于基于专家特征的机器学习模型,并取得了令人瞩目的结果,在持续元音/a/的语音任务上准确率达到81.6%,在阅读一个简短句子(/si shi si zhi shi shi zi/)的中文语音任务上准确率为75.3%。在数据库2上,所提出的模型在包括元音、单词和句子在内的多种声音类型上进行了评估。在包括阅读简单(/loslibros/)和复杂(/viste/)西班牙语句子的语音任务上,准确率达到了高达92%。通过可视化模型生成的特征,发现学到的时间序列动态特征能够捕捉到帕金森病声音的减少的总体频率范围和减少的变异性这些重要的临床证据,这对于检测帕金森病患者是重要的。结果还表明,对于从语音中检测帕金森病,Mel频谱图的低频区域比高频区域更有影响力和重要性。
The architecture of the herein proposed end-to-end deep learning model (Fig. 1) for Parkinson’s disease detection con tains two modules. The first module is composed of a seriesof time-distributed 2D-CNN (two-dimensional convolutional neural networks) blocks, which transform the input to time series dynamic features. Then, the obtained time series dynamic features are passed through the second module con taining a 1D-CNN (one-dimensional convolutional neural net work) block to learn the dependencies between them.
The input of the first module is a sequence of overlapping segments on the log Mel-spectrograms of an input speech sig nal. A sliding window is applied along the temporal axis to obtain the segments. The time-distributed 2D-CNN blocks are used to detect the local features for each segment, i.e., the time series dynamic features. Each time-distributed 2D CNN block is stacked by a 2D convolutional layer, batch nor malization layer, 2D average pooling layer, and dropout layer.
The role of the 2D convolutional layer is to capture local spa tial information of the spectrogram. The batch normalization layer increases the convergence speed and helps improve generalization. The 2D average pooling layer and dropout layer are used afterwards for dimensionality reduction and preventing overfitting, respectively.
Discriminating health control from Parkinson’s disease sub jects using speech signals is considered an important step toward noninvasive diagnostic decision support for PD. This paper proposed a novel end-to-end deep learning architecture for Parkinson’s disease detection from speech signals, which incorporates TSC and spectrum-based feature extraction to efficiently capture the dynamics of speech signals for Parkin son’s disease detection. The proposed model was demon strated the effectiveness on two databases of different languages (Chinese and Spanish). On Database-1, the pro posed model outperformed expert feature-based ML models using speech features extracted by NeuroSpeech and Surf board and achieved promising results, showing an accuracy of 81.6% on the speech task of sustained vowel /a/ and 75.3% on the speech task of reading a short sentence. On Database-2, the proposed model was assessed on multiple sound types, including vowels, words, and sentences. An accuracy of up to 92% was obtained for speech tasks that included reading of a simple sentence (/loslibros/) and of a complex sentence (/viste/) in Spanish, which exhibited higher detection accuracy than that previously reported, demon strating the effectiveness of the proposed model. In addition, by visualizing the features generated by the model, it was found that the learned time series dynamic features are able to capture the characteristics of the reduced overall frequency range and reduced variability in Parkinson’s disease sounds. The results also suggest that the low-frequency region is more influential and important for Parkinson’s disease detec tion than the high-frequency region, especially with the input of vowels and words.
In future works, we will investigate the robustness of the proposed model on a relatively large dataset and on more types of sound. In addition, we will apply the proposed model to the stage classification of Parkinson’s disease to explore its applicability to this multi-label classification task. Table 15 lists the abbreviations used in this paper.
Fig. 1 – Architecture of the end-to-end deep learning model for Parkinson’s disease detection from speech signals
图1 - 用于通过语音信号检测帕金森病的端到端深度学习模型架构
Fig. 2 – Learning curve results of end-to-end deep learning models on the speech task of sustained vowel/a/ (Database-1).
图2 - 端到端深度学习模型在持续元音/a/语音任务上的学习曲线结果(数据库1)。
Fig. 3 – Learning curve results of end-to-end deep learning models on the speech task of reading the short sentence/si shi si zhi shi shi zi/ (Database-1).
图3 - 端到端深度学习模型在读短句/四是四十是十狮子/语音任务上的学习曲线结果(数据库1)。
Fig. 4 – The t-SNE scatter plots of hidden features on the last layer of the proposed deep learning model after dimensionality reduction (Database-2).
图4 - 经过降维后,提出的深度学习模型最后一层隐藏特征的t-SNE散点图(数据库2)。
Fig. 5 – Critical difference diagram showing pairwise statistical difference comparison of seven deep learning models on Database-1 and Database-2.
图5 - 关键差异图,显示了在数据库1和数据库2上七个深度学习模型之间成对统计差异比较。
Fig. 6 – Feature visualization (guided Grad-CAM) comparison of healthy control and Parkinson’s disease samples for the speech task of sustained vowel/a/ (Database-1).
图6 - 健康对照组和帕金森病样本在持续元音/a/语音任务上的特征可视化(引导型Grad-CAM)比较(数据库1)。
Fig. 7 – Comparison of features obtained from Time_distributed_flatten layer for male samples with different HY stages(Database-1).
图7 - 不同HY阶段的男性样本从时间分布式平展层获得的特征比较(数据库1)。
Fig. 8 – Comparison of features obtained from Time_distributed_flatten layer for female samples with different HY stages(Database-1).
图8 - 不同HY阶段的女性样本从时间分布式平展层获得的特征比较(数据库1)。
Fig. 9 – ROC curve results obtained for Database-2.
图9 - 获取的数据库2的ROC曲线结果。
Table 1 – Numbers and distributions of Database-1 and Database-2 samples by gender, age, and HY stage.
表1 - 根据性别、年龄和HY阶段,数据库1和数据库2样本的数量和分布。
Table 2 – Speech tasks and the sample size included in this study.
表2 - 本研究包含的语音任务和样本大小。
Table 3 – Optimized parameters for ML models (Database-1).
表3 - 机器学习模型的优化参数(数据库1)。
Table 4 – Experimental results of traditional machine learning models on the speech task of sustained vowel/a/ (Database-1).
表4 - 传统机器学习模型在持续元音/a/语音任务上的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 5 – Experimental results of traditional ML models on the speech task of reading the short sentence/si shi si zhi shi shi zi/ (Database-1).
表5 - 传统机器学习模型在读短句/四是四十是十狮子/语音任务上的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 6 – Hyperparameter search space for the end-to-end deep learning models (Database-1).
表6 - 端到端深度学习模型的超参数搜索空间(数据库1)。
Table 7 – Experimental results of the end-to-end deep learning models on the speech task of sustained vowel/a/ (Database-1).
表7 - 端到端深度学习模型在持续元音/a/语音任务上的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 8 – Experimental results of the end-to-end deep learning models on the speech task of reading the short sentence/si shi si zhi shi shi zi/ (Database-1).
表8 - 端到端深度学习模型在读短句/四是四十是十狮子/语音任务上的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 9 – Experimental results using different numbers of frames on the speech task of sustained vowel/a/ (Database-1).
表9 - 在持续元音/a/语音任务上使用不同帧数的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 10 – Experimental results using different numbers of frames on the speech task of reading the short sentence/si shi si zhi shi shi zi/ (Database-1).
表10 - 在读短句/四是四十是十狮子/语音任务上使用不同帧数的实验结果(数据库1)。
Table 11 – The optimal hyperparameters obtained from Database-1 for the experiments on Database-2.
表11 - 从数据库1获取的用于数据库2实验的最优超参数。
Table 12 – Results of the proposed model on multiple speech tasks (Database-2).
表12 - 提出的模型在多个语音任务上的结果(数据库2)。
Table 13 – Cross-database results of the proposed model. (Independent test results with independent datasets.)
表13 - 提出模型的跨数据库结果。(独立数据集的独立测试结果。)
Table 14 – Summary of recent studies on Parkinson’s disease detection using expert feature engineering and end-to-end deep learning.
表14 - 使用专家特征工程和端到端深度学习进行帕金森病检测的近期研究总结。
Table 15 – The abbreviations used in this paper.
表15 - 本文中使用的缩写。