Rectal cancer is the second most prevalent form of cancer in the large intestine, and its primary
treatment modalities include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery (1,2). Radiotherapy, in
particular, can lead to various early and late effects on the rectum and bladder, potentially causingproctitis, cystitis, and a range of toxicities such as bowel obstruction, fistula, perforation, dysuria,hematuria, and a significant decrease in quality of life. These complications are contingent onmultiple clinical factors, including radiation dose and the patient’s clinical, biological, and genomiccharacteristics (3–5).
Multimodality radiomics prediction of radiotherapy-induced theearly proctitis and cystitis in rectal cancer patients: A machinelearning study
This study aims to predict radiotherapy-induced rectal and bladder toxicity usingcomputed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) radiomics features incombination with clinical and dosimetric features in rectal cancer patients.
A total of sixty-three patients with locally advanced rectal cancer who underwent threedimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) were included in this study. Radiomicsfeatures were extracted from the rectum and bladder walls in pretreatment CT and MR-T2Wweighted images. Feature selection was performed using various methods, including Least
Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (Lasso), Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance
(MRMR), Chi-square (Chi2), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Recursive Feature Elimination(RFE), and SelectPercentile. Predictive modeling was carried out using machine learningalgorithms, such as K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), LogisticRegression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), Gradient Boosting(XGB), and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The impact of the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)
filter was investigated with sigma values ranging from 0.5 to 2. Model performance was evaluatedin terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), accuracy, precision,sensitivity, and specificity.
A total of 479 radiomics features were extracted, and 59 features were selected. The preMRI T2W model exhibited the highest predictive performancewithanAUC:91.0/96.57%,accuracy:90.38/96.92%, precision:90.0/97.14%,sensitivity:93.33/96.50%,andspecificity:88.09/97.14%. These results were achieved with both original image and LoG filter (sigma=0.5-1.5) based on LDA/DT-RF classifiers for proctitis and cystitis, respectively. Furthermore, for the CT data, AUC: 90.71/96.0%, accuracy: 90.0/96.92%, precision: 88.14/97.14%, sensitivity:93.0/96.0%, and specificity: 88.09/97.14% were acquired. The highest values were achieved usingXGB/DT-XGB classifiers for proctitis and cystitis with LoG filter (sigma=2)/LoG filter(sigma=0.5-2), respectively. MRMR/RFE-Chi2 feature selection methods demonstrated the best
performance for proctitis and cystitis in the pre-MRI T2W model. MRMR/MRMR-Lasso yieldedthe highest model performance for CT.
提取了479个放射组学特征,并选取了59个特征。MRI T2W模型展示出了最高的预测性能,其AUC为91.0/96.57%,准确度为90.38/96.92%,精确度为90.0/97.14%,灵敏度为93.33/96.50%,特异性为88.09/97.14%。这些结果是在原始图像和LoG滤波器(sigma=0.5-1.5)的基础上,通过LDA/DT-RF分类器分别针对直肠炎和膀胱炎实现的。此外,对于CT数据,获得的AUC为90.71/96.0%,准确度为90.0/96.92%,精确度为88.14/97.14%,灵敏度为93.0/96.0%,特异性为88.09/97.14%。使用XGB/DT-XGB分类器结合LoG滤波器(sigma=2)/LoG滤波器(sigma=0.5-2),分别针对直肠炎和膀胱炎获得了最高值。MRMR/RFE-Chi2特征选择方法在MRI T2W模型中对直肠炎和膀胱炎展示了最佳性能。MRMR/MRMR-Lasso为CT数据提供了最高的模型性能。
Radiomics features extracted from pretreatment CT and MR images can effectivelypredict radiation-induced proctitis and cystitis. The study found that LDA, DT, RF, and XGBclassifiers, combined with MRMR, RFE, Chi2, and Lasso feature selection algorithms, along withthe LoG filter, offer strong predictive performance. With the inclusion of a larger training dataset,these models can be valuable tools for personalized radiotherapy decision-making.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the methods employed in this study, which can be divided into two main phases: Data Acquisition, and Model Building and Evaluation. Each phase is explained in detail separately.
Figure2. Segmentation of the rectum and bladder walls on a) planning CT, b) pre-MRI T2W of therectal cancer patient in 3D-slicer.
图2. 在a) 规划CT、b) 直肠癌患者前MRI T2W上对直肠和膀胱壁的分割,使用3D切片器Figure 3. Comparison of the mean dosimetric parameters in patients with proctitis and cystitis toxicities.
图3. 患有直肠炎和膀胱炎毒性反应患者平均剂量参数的比较。Figure 4. Intraclass correlation coefficients of the two observers for the different radiomics feature categories
图 4. 两位观察员对不同放射组学特征类别的组内相关系数
Figure 5. Heatmap of the AUC value of the individual model and combined model for (a) proctitis,and (b) cystitis. “SP: select percentile, C: clinical, RCT (O): radiomics CT of the original image, RCT+C+D (O): radiomics CT +clinical+ dosimetric of the original image, and RMRI (O):radiomics MRI of original image”.
图 5. 针对(a)直肠炎和(b)膀胱炎的个体模型和组合模型的AUC值热图。“SP:选择百分位数,C:临床,RCT(O):原始图像的放射CT,RCT+C+D(O):原始图像的放射CT+临床+剂量,以及RMRI(O):原始图像的放射MRI”。Figure 6. The most significant radiomics features that correlated with proctitis.
图 6. 与直肠炎相关的最显著的放射组学特征。Figure 7. The most significant radiomics features that correlated with cystitis.
图 7. 与膀胱炎相关的最显著的放射组学特征。
Table1. Feature selection and classification methods
表1. 特征选择与分类方法Table 2. The patient demographic and clinical information
表2. 患者人口统计及临床信息Table 3. Selected methods of individual and combined models for the proctitis and cystitisprediction
表 3. 针对直肠炎和膀胱炎预测的个体和组合模型的选定方法