IVIM-Morph: Motion-compensated quantitative Intra-voxel IncoherentMotion (IVIM) analysis for functional fetal lung maturity assessment fromdiffusion-weighted MRI data
先天性肺发育不全(PH)是一种先天性异常,其特征是肺实质生长不足(拉克斯米纳鲁西姆哈和凯斯勒,2015年)。这种情况可能导致严重且可能致命的生理损伤,包括呼吸窘迫综合征和新生儿暂时性呼吸急促(艾哈迈德和孔杰,2021年)。大约10%至15%的新生儿死亡是由肺发育不全引起的(库马尔和伯顿,2007年)。 目前,用于产前诊断肺发育不全的方法包括羊膜穿刺术、产前超声(US)和磁共振成像(MRI)。羊膜穿刺术是抽取少量羊水来评估表面活性蛋白水平,该水平被认为是胎儿肺成熟的一个指标(罗梅等人,1975年)。产前超声是一种广泛用于评估胎儿肺成熟度的技术。然而,它主要用于评估羊水参数(贝克等人,2015年)或估计胎儿肺容积(默格林等人,2005年)。同样,胎儿肺部MRI可以估计胎儿肺容积(沃德等人,2006年)。尽管如此,这些检查方式并不能充分了解肺功能,因此在评估胎儿功能性肺成熟度和肺发育不全方面并非最佳选择(阿韦纳-赞皮耶里等人,2022年)。 扩散加权磁共振成像(DWI)是一种非侵入性成像方式,它对水分子的随机运动高度敏感,这主要是由于水的热能所致。在活组织中,水分子的运动受到与细胞膜和大分子相互作用的影响和限制。此外,在细胞密度较高的组织中,水分子的运动受到更多限制,而在细胞密度较低的区域,水分子的运动限制较少。在DWI中,当施加不同大小和持续时间(称为 “b值”)的磁场编码梯度脉冲时,单个水分子的随机位移会导致信号衰减(科和柯林斯,2007年)。 使用多房室信号衰减模型,如体素内不相干运动(IVIM)模型(饭岛和勒比汉,2016年),对DWI进行定量分析(qDWI),可以对组织中的扩散和伪扩散进行单独评估。这种方法能够提供更精确的成像生物标志物,捕捉功能性肺成熟和肺发育不全的关键特征,例如密集毛细血管网络的形成、肺血流量的增加、细胞外空间的减少以及组织灌注的增加(埃尔科拉尼等人,2021年;科恩古特等人,2022年;亚卡布等人,2017年)。 然而,在长时间的DWI采集过程中,胎儿不可避免的运动会导致对扩散和伪扩散的定量分析不准确且不可靠,这实际上使得这些成像生物标志物在临床环境中评估功能性肺成熟度和肺发育不全时几乎没有用处。图1展示了在不同b值下采集到的观测DWI信号与信号衰减模型之间的偏差。例如,阿法坎等人(2016年)报告称,他们研究队列中近40%(65例中的26例)存在严重的运动伪影,这基本上使得无法通过DWI对肺成熟度进行功能评估。因此,迫切需要开发一种对胎儿DWI数据中的体间运动具有鲁棒性的qDWI分析方法。 图像配准算法此前已被用于在qDWI分析之前解决体间运动问题。例如,吉亚德等人(2015年)证明,与不进行任何运动校正的qDWI分析相比,在对腹部器官进行表观扩散系数(ADC)qDWI分析时,采用初始运动校正可以提高分析的准确性和可靠性。然而,由于对扩散和伪扩散效应的敏感度不同而导致图像对比度存在差异,使用不同b值获得的DWI图像的配准可能会导致准确性不佳。本质上信噪比(SNR)较低的高b值图像的配准也构成了重大挑战。此外,值得注意的是,优化过程通常会优化与成对度量相关的损失函数,例如迪赛相似性或强度差异。这些本质上为成对比较而设计的度量标准,在同时全面处理整个DWI图像集的运动方面存在局限性。此外,它们的主要关注点往往是对齐图像边缘,而不是确保感兴趣区域内的观测信号衰减与信号衰减模型精确对齐。 在腹部成像方面,库鲁戈尔等人(2017年)引入了一种迭代运动校正模型,通过对图像进行配准并使用IVIM模型估计参数来解决DWI图像中图像对比度的差异。同样,桑斯-埃斯特瓦内斯等人(2018年)使用单指数信号衰减模型同时补偿运动并进行qDWI分析。然而,这些技术涉及图像配准和模型拟合步骤的迭代应用。遗憾的是,由于可能收敛到局部最小值,这种迭代过程可能会导致结果不佳。此外,与这些方法相关的计算需求和处理时间使得它们在处理大型数据集的临床应用中不切实际。 最近,科尔纳罗普洛斯等人(2022年)提出了一种使用单指数信号衰减模型对前列腺DWI数据进行联合运动校正和定量分析的新方法。具体来说,他们使用马尔可夫随机场(MRF)技术同时优化运动校正和qDWI模型拟合问题。然而,这种方法需要对两个域进行离散化,并且计算量很大。因此,迫切需要一种对体间运动伪影具有抗性且在临床上可行的qDWI分析方法。 最近,在胎儿解剖结构MRI重建领域,出现了几种深度学习模型。科尔德罗-格兰德等人(2022年)引入了一种深度生成先验模型,而徐等人(2023年)采用了隐式神经表示方法,以实现对胎儿解剖结构MRI数据的抗运动体积重建。在相关背景下,戴维森等人(2022年)利用切片到体积的可变形图像配准,从胎儿MRI数据中提取可靠的胎儿肺容积的三维测量值。然而,值得注意的是,所有这些研究主要集中在单个体积解剖结构MRI范围内的切片到体积配准,而没有考虑在功能性胎儿肺成熟度评估中进行定量DWI分析所需的不同体积之间的潜在运动。 在这项研究中,我们通过引入一个名为 “IVIM-Morph” 的自监督深度神经网络(DNN)框架来应对这一挑战。这种方法解决了同时进行运动补偿和双指数IVIM模型参数估计的问题。我们的模型包括两个关键子网络:第一个子网络专注于估计用于运动校正的变形场,而第二个子网络则根据经过运动校正的数据预测IVIM模型参数。为了确保DWI信号衰减与IVIM模型的一致性,我们引入了一种创新的基于物理原理的损失函数。这个损失函数会对偏离预期IVIM模型行为的信号衰减进行惩罚,从而保持物理合理性。重要的是,与传统方法相比,我们的DNN模型显著减少了计算时间。 我们通过手动勾勒出5例有严重运动伪影和5例有中度运动伪影病例的每个DWI图像中的一个肺,来评估我们方法的解剖学配准准确性。然后,我们将使用IVIM-Morph配准前后的掩码对齐情况与各种配准技术进行了比较。此外,我们通过对39个临床胎儿DWI数据集的分析,展示了IVIM-Morph在存在运动的情况下进行可靠IVIM参数估计的临床重要性,证明了它能够增强胎儿肺部预测的灌注分数参数(𝑓)与孕周(GA)之间的相关性。 我们的研究做出了以下关键贡献: - 我们提供了一个基于自监督深度学习的数学框架,用于同时估计运动校正和信号衰减模型参数。 - 我们引入了一种创新的配准损失函数,确保与信号衰减模型一致的物理合理的变形场。 - 我们对我们的方法进行了全面评估,包括配准准确性及其在评估胎儿肺功能成熟度方面的临床应用。 - 我们将公开我们的代码库,方便对DWI数据进行运动补偿的IVIM分析。
Quantitative analysis of pseudo-diffusion in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) data showspotential for assessing fetal lung maturation and generating valuable imaging biomarkers. Yet, the clinicalutility of DWI data is hindered by unavoidable fetal motion during acquisition. We present IVIM-morph,a self-supervised deep neural network model for motion-corrected quantitative analysis of DWI data usingthe Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) model. IVIM-morph combines two sub-networks, a registration subnetwork, and an IVIM model fitting sub-network, enabling simultaneous estimation of IVIM model parametersand motion. To promote physically plausible image registration, we introduce a biophysically informed lossfunction that effectively balances registration and model-fitting quality. We validated the efficacy of IVIMmorph by establishing a correlation between the predicted IVIM model parameters of the lung and gestationalage (GA) using fetal DWI data of 39 subjects. Our approach was compared against six baseline methods: (1) nomotion compensation, (2) affine registration of all DWI images to the initial image, (3) deformable registrationof all DWI images to the initial image, (4) deformable registration of each DWI image to its preceding image inthe sequence, (5) iterative deformable motion compensation combined with IVIM model parameter estimation,and (6) self-supervised deep-learning-based deformable registration. IVIM-morph exhibited a notably improvedcorrelation with gestational age (GA) when performing in-vivo quantitative analysis of fetal lung DWI dataduring the canalicular phase. Specifically, over 2 test groups of cases, it achieved an 𝑅2 𝑓 of 0.44 and 0.52,outperforming the values of 0.27 and 0.25, 0.25 and 0.00, 0.00 and 0.00, 0.38 and 0.00, and 0.07 and0.14 obtained by other methods. IVIM-morph shows potential in developing valuable biomarkers for noninvasive assessment of fetal lung maturity with DWI data. Moreover, its adaptability opens the door topotential applications in other clinical contexts where motion compensation is essential for quantitative DWIanalysis.
对扩散加权磁共振成像(DWI)数据中的伪扩散进行定量分析,显示出在评估胎儿肺成熟度以及生成有价值的成像生物标志物方面的潜力。然而,由于在数据采集过程中不可避免的胎儿运动,DWI数据的临床应用受到了阻碍。我们提出了IVIM-morph,这是一种自监督的深度神经网络模型,用于利用体素内不相干运动(IVIM)模型对DWI数据进行运动校正后的定量分析。 IVIM-morph结合了两个子网络,即一个配准子网络和一个IVIM模型拟合子网络,能够同时估计IVIM模型参数和运动情况。为了实现符合物理原理的图像配准,我们引入了一种基于生物物理学知识的损失函数,该函数有效地平衡了配准质量和模型拟合质量。 我们通过使用39名受试者的胎儿DWI数据,建立了肺部预测的IVIM模型参数与孕周(GA)之间的相关性,从而验证了IVIM-morph的有效性。我们将我们的方法与六种基线方法进行了比较:(1)不进行运动补偿;(2)将所有DWI图像仿射配准到初始图像;(3)将所有DWI图像可变形配准到初始图像;(4)将每个DWI图像可变形配准到序列中的前一幅图像;(5)结合IVIM模型参数估计的迭代可变形运动补偿;(6)基于自监督深度学习的可变形配准。 在对小管期胎儿肺部DWI数据进行体内定量分析时,IVIM-morph与孕周(GA)的相关性显著提高。具体而言,在两组测试案例中,它的决定系数𝑅²𝑓分别达到了0.44和0.52,超过了其他方法所得到的0.27和0.25、0.25和0.00、0.00和0.00、0.38和0.00以及0.07和0.14。 IVIM-morph在利用DWI数据开发用于无创评估胎儿肺成熟度的有价值生物标志物方面显示出潜力。此外,其适应性为在其他临床场景中的潜在应用打开了大门,在这些场景中,运动补偿对于DWI数据的定量分析至关重要。
The bi-exponential IVIM model describes the DWI signal attenuationat a particular voxel relative to the baseline signal as a function of theb-value used during the acquisition (Iima and Le Bihan, 2016):𝑓𝐼𝑉 𝐼𝑀 (𝑏𝑖 , 𝑓, 𝐷 , 𝐷) = 𝑆0 ( 𝑓 ⋅ 𝑒 −𝑏𝑖 (𝐷+𝐷∗ ) (1 − 𝑓) ⋅ 𝑒 −𝑏𝑖 ⋅𝐷)
(1)where 𝑆0 is the baseline signal obtained without applying any diffusionsynthesized gradients; 𝐷 is the diffusion coefficient; 𝐷∗ is the pseudodiffusion coefficient; 𝑏𝑖 is the b-value used during the acquisition; and𝑓* is for the perfusion fraction (Federau, 2017; Iima, 2021).The estimation of the IVIM model parameters from the DWI dataacquired with multiple b-values 𝐵 = { 𝑏𝑖 }𝑁𝑖=0, is commonly done bysolving the following least-squares problem:̂𝐷, ̂𝐷, ̂𝑓 = argmin𝐷,𝐷,𝑓∑𝑏𝑖∈𝐵‖ ‖𝑆(𝑏𝑖 ) − 𝑓𝐼𝑉 𝐼𝑀 (𝑏𝑖 , 𝑓, 𝐷 ∗ , 𝐷)‖ ‖2
(2)Supplementary regularization terms are frequently incorporated to enhance estimation robustness in the presence of noise and improveclinical diagnostic accuracy (Freiman et al., 2013; Orton et al., 2014;Spinner et al., 2021; Vidić et al., 2019).In the past few years, state-of-the-art, DNN-based methods wereintroduced for IVIM parameter estimation. Bertleff et al. (2017) demonstrated the ability of supervised DNN to predict the IVIM model parameters from low SNR DWI data. Barbieri et al. (2020) proposed anunsupervised, physics-informed DNN (IVIM-NET) with results comparable to Bayesian methods with further optimizations by Kaandorpet al. (2021) (IVIM-NEToptim). Zhang et al. (2019) used a multi-layerperceptron with an amortized Gaussian posterior to estimate the IVIMmodel parameters from fetal lung DWI data. Recently, Vasylechkoet al. (2022) used unsupervised convolutional neural networks (CNN)to improve the reliability of IVIM parameter estimates by leveragingspatial correlations in the data.Nevertheless, all these algorithms presuppose spatial alignmentamong the different b-value images, rendering them unsuitable fordirect application in estimating IVIM model parameters for fetal DWIdata, given the inevitable fetal motion during acquisition (Afacan et al.,2016).
双指数体素内不相干运动(IVIM)模型将特定体素处的扩散加权成像(DWI)信号相对于基线信号的衰减描述为采集过程中所使用b值的函数(饭岛和勒比汉,2016年): [ f^{IVIM}(b_i, f, D^, D) = S_0 \left( f \cdot e^{-b_i (D + D^)} + (1 - f) \cdot e^{-b_i \cdot D} \right) ] (1) 其中,(S_0) 是在不施加任何扩散合成梯度时获得的基线信号;(D) 是扩散系数;(D^) 是伪扩散系数;(b_i) 是采集过程中使用的b值;(f) 是灌注分数(费代罗,2017年;饭岛,2021年)。 从使用多个b值 (B = { b_i }{i = 0}^{N}) 采集的DWI数据中估计IVIM模型参数,通常是通过求解以下最小二乘问题来完成的: [ \hat{D}, \hat{D}^, \hat{f} = \underset{D, D^, f}{\text{argmin}} \sum{b_i \in B} \left\lVert S(b_i) - f^{IVIM}(b_i, f, D^, D) \right\rVert2 ] (2) 为了在存在噪声的情况下增强估计的稳健性并提高临床诊断准确性,常常会纳入补充正则化项(弗赖曼等人,2013年;奥顿等人,2014年;斯皮纳等人,2021年;维迪奇等人,2019年)。 在过去几年中,基于深度神经网络(DNN)的先进方法被引入用于IVIM参数估计。贝特莱夫等人(2017年)展示了监督式DNN从低信噪比DWI数据中预测IVIM模型参数的能力。巴贝里等人(2020年)提出了一种无监督的、基于物理知识的DNN(IVIM-NET),坎多尔普等人(2021年)对其进行了进一步优化(IVIM-NEToptim),结果可与贝叶斯方法相媲美。张等人(2019年)使用了一个带有摊薄高斯后验的多层感知器,从胎儿肺部DWI数据中估计IVIM模型参数。最近,瓦西莱乔等人(2022年)使用无监督卷积神经网络(CNN),通过利用数据中的空间相关性来提高IVIM参数估计的可靠性。 然而,所有这些算法都预先假定不同b值图像之间存在空间对齐,鉴于在采集过程中胎儿不可避免的运动会发生(阿法坎等人,2016年),这使得它们不适合直接应用于估计胎儿DWI数据的IVIM模型参数。
We address the challenge of estimating the IVIM model parameters while compensating for motion artifacts by presenting a selfsupervised DNN-based framework for simultaneous motion compensation and IVIM model parameters estimation. Specifically, we aim to findthe optimal values for the IVIM model parameters 𝐷, 𝐷∗ , and 𝑓, aswell as the set of transformations 𝛷 = {𝜙𝑖* }𝑁𝑖=0 that align the observedDWI signals to the model predictions. The joint optimization problemis formulated as follows:
̂𝛷, ̂𝐷, ̂𝐷∗, ̂𝑓= argmin𝛷,𝐷,𝐷∗,𝑓𝑁∑𝑖=0
‖ ‖𝜙𝑖◦𝑆(𝑏𝑖 ) − 𝑓**𝐼𝑉 𝐼𝑀 (𝑏𝑖 , 𝑓, 𝐷 ∗ , 𝐷)‖ ‖2
我们通过提出一个基于自监督深度神经网络(DNN)的框架来同时进行运动补偿和IVIM模型参数估计,从而应对在补偿运动伪影的同时估计IVIM模型参数这一挑战。具体而言,我们旨在找到IVIM模型参数 (D)、(D^) 和 (f) 的最优值,以及一组变换 (\varPhi = { \phi_i }{i = 0}^{N}),该变换组能使观测到的DWI信号与模型预测值对齐。联合优化问题公式化表述如下: [ \hat{\varPhi}, \hat{D}, \hat{D}^, \hat{f} = \underset{\varPhi, D, D^, f}{\text{argmin}} \sum{i = 0}^{N} \left\lVert \phi_i \circ S(b_i) - f^{IVIM}(b_i, f, D^, D) \right\rVert2 ]
Accurately assessing IVIM parameters while addressing fetal movement is crucial for obtaining precise quantitative imaging biomarkersrelated to fetal lung development. In this study, we introduced IVIMMorph, a self-supervised deep neural network approach designed forsimultaneous motion compensation and quantitative DWI analysis using the IVIM model. Our method surpassed baseline approaches thatconsider motion and estimate IVIM model parameters, notably enhancing the correlation between the perfusion fraction parameter of theIVIM model (𝑓) and gestational age (GA).
Our segmentation experiment results, shown in Fig. 5, indicate thatthe iterative SyN-TRF method achieves improved alignment, as evidenced by a higher Dice coefficient. However, this alignment primarilyimpacts boundary regions rather than the signal within the organ itself,which is critical for accurate IVIM parameter estimation across the entire organ region. As a result, while SyN-TRF improves segmentation atthe boundaries, it does not ensure realistic signal decay along the full bvalue axis, leading to inaccurate estimates of the IVIM parameters anda weak correlation between the pseudo-diffusion fraction parameter 𝑓and gestational age (GA).
In contrast, our IVIM-Morph approach balances precise boundaryalignment with realistic signal decay across the entire b-value range,enhancing both segmentation accuracy and parameter reliability. Thisapproach maintains segmentation performance comparable to SyN-TRFwhile preserving physiologically meaningful signal behavior withinthe organ region, resulting in a significantly improved correlation between 𝑓 and GA. Thus, IVIM-Morph provides a more robust frameworkfor IVIM parameter estimation, bridging the gap between accuratesegmentation and reliable signal-based analysis within the organ.An important consideration when training neural networks for IVIMparameter estimation guided by the signal decay model is the potentialfor circularity, particularly if networks are later evaluated based ontheir correlation with biological measures like gestational age (GA).Our network design specifically avoids this issue by excluding any GArelated information during training. Instead, the network is trainedsolely on the signal decay model, focusing on accurately capturingdiffusion characteristics without any knowledge of GA. This approachensures that the estimation of IVIM parameters, such as the pseudodiffusion fraction 𝑓, is derived purely from signal properties, independent of the biological measurement assessed later. Consequently, theobserved correlation between 𝑓 and GA is not an artifact of circularity but an independent validation of the network’s ability to capture meaningful diffusion-related information relevant to gestationaldevelopment.It is crucial to emphasize that, in contrast to previously proposedmethods primarily addressing motion between slices within a singlevolume in anatomical fetal imaging, our IVIM-Morph focuses on addressing motion between volumes in quantitative DWI acquisitions thatencompass multiple volumes. Additionally, in its current configuration,IVIM-Morph operates under the assumption of a single trace-weightedimage per b-value, which is automatically generated by aggregating thevarious b-vector images into a single scalar map. Future enhancementsmay involve accommodating motion between the distinct b-vectorimages employed in the computation of the trace-weighted b-valueimage.
While our primary emphasis has been on the quantitative analysisof fetal lung DWI data, it is worth noting that the proposed approachholds potential applicability in various other quantitative DWI analysisdomains that grapple with motion-related challenges. For instance,applications such as the detection and staging of liver fibrosis throughIVIM analysis of abdominal DWI data (Ye et al., 2020), the assessment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (Guiu et al., 2012), and theidentification of diffuse renal pathologies (Caroli et al., 2018) canall derive benefits from our approach by effectively accounting formotion induced by processes like respiration between different b-valuevolumes.
In conclusion, our study has showcased the clinical promise ofevaluating functional fetal lung maturation non-invasively from fetalDWI data. our IVIM-Morph stands out as a means to markedly enhancethe precision of non-invasive, quantitative fetal lung maturity assessment. Moreover, our proposed method can be readily extended to otherclinical scenarios necessitating motion correction in the computation ofquantitative MRI biomarkers. Collectively, our findings point to IVIMMorph as a valuable asset in advancing fetal MRI, enhancing fetalhealth monitoring, and informing clinical decision-making.
在解决胎儿运动问题的同时准确评估体素内不相干运动(IVIM)参数,对于获取与胎儿肺部发育相关的精确量化成像生物标志物至关重要。在本研究中,我们引入了IVIM-Morph,这是一种自监督的深度神经网络方法,旨在利用IVIM模型同时进行运动补偿和扩散加权成像(DWI)的定量分析。我们的方法超越了那些既考虑运动因素又估计IVIM模型参数的基线方法,显著增强了IVIM模型的灌注分数参数((f))与孕周(GA)之间的相关性。 如图5所示的我们的分割实验结果表明,迭代对称归一化变换场(SyN-TRF)方法实现了更好的对齐,更高的迪赛系数证明了这一点。然而,这种对齐主要影响的是边界区域,而非器官内部的信号,而器官内部信号对于准确估计整个器官区域的IVIM参数至关重要。因此,尽管SyN-TRF改善了边界处的分割效果,但它无法确保在整个b值轴上实现真实的信号衰减,从而导致IVIM参数的估计不准确,以及伪扩散分数参数(f)与孕周(GA)之间的相关性较弱。 相比之下,我们的IVIM-Morph方法在精确的边界对齐和整个b值范围内的真实信号衰减之间取得了平衡,提高了分割精度和参数的可靠性。这种方法在保持与SyN-TRF相当的分割性能的同时,还保留了器官区域内具有生理意义的信号特征,从而显著改善了(f)与GA之间的相关性。因此,IVIM-Morph为IVIM参数估计提供了一个更强大的框架,弥合了准确分割与器官内基于可靠信号分析之间的差距。 在基于信号衰减模型训练用于IVIM参数估计的神经网络时,一个重要的考虑因素是可能存在的循环论证问题,尤其是当后续根据网络与孕周(GA)等生物学指标的相关性来评估网络时。我们的网络设计通过在训练过程中排除任何与GA相关的信息,特意避免了这个问题。相反,网络仅在信号衰减模型上进行训练,专注于准确捕捉扩散特征,而不涉及任何关于GA的知识。这种方法确保了IVIM参数(如伪扩散分数(f))的估计纯粹来自信号特性,独立于后续评估的生物学指标。因此,观察到的(f)与GA之间的相关性并非循环论证的结果,而是对网络捕捉与孕周发育相关的有意义扩散信息能力的独立验证。 必须强调的是,与之前提出的主要解决胎儿解剖成像中单个容积内切片之间运动问题的方法不同,我们的IVIM-Morph专注于解决在包含多个容积的定量DWI采集中容积之间的运动问题。此外,在当前配置下,IVIM-Morph假设每个b值对应一张迹加权图像,该图像是通过将各种b矢量图像聚合为单个标量图自动生成的。未来的改进可能包括处理在计算迹加权b值图像时所使用的不同b矢量图像之间的运动。 虽然我们的主要重点一直是对胎儿肺部DWI数据的定量分析,但值得注意的是,所提出的方法在其他各种面临运动相关挑战的定量DWI分析领域中也具有潜在的应用价值。例如,通过对腹部DWI数据进行IVIM分析来检测和分期肝纤维化(叶等人,2020年)、评估非酒精性脂肪性肝病(吉乌等人,2012年)以及识别弥漫性肾脏病变(卡罗利等人,2018年)等应用,都可以从我们的方法中受益,因为该方法能有效考虑不同b值容积之间由呼吸等过程引起的运动。 总之,我们的研究展示了从胎儿DWI数据无创评估胎儿功能性肺成熟度的临床前景。我们的IVIM-Morph作为一种显著提高无创性、定量胎儿肺成熟度评估精度的方法脱颖而出。此外,我们提出的方法可以很容易地扩展到其他在计算定量MRI生物标志物时需要进行运动校正的临床场景。总的来说,我们的研究结果表明,IVIM-Morph是推进胎儿MRI技术、加强胎儿健康监测以及为临床决策提供依据的宝贵工具。
5.1. Hyper-parameters tuning
The optimal hyperparameters for group 1 are: 𝛼1 = 10, 𝛼2 =0.015, 𝛼3 = 0.1, and for group 2 are: 𝛼1 = 0.5, 𝛼2 = 0.015, 𝛼3 = Lung segmentation evaluationLung segmentation evaluation results are presented in Fig. 5. Themean dice coefficient for each compared method is plotted as a boxplot,separately for the major and minor motion cases. We calculated thedice twice, one time using the optimal hyperparameters of group 1and one time using the optimal hyperparameters of group 2. We alsoplotted the mean dice coefficient before applying registration. Themean dice before registration in the minor motion cases is 0.878±0.036and in the major motion cases is 0.771 ± 0.040, which is expectedbased on the cases’ motion level. For cases involving major motion,IVIM-Morph succeeded in enhancing the dice coefficient achievingsuperior results for group 2 (dice = 0.854 ± 0.038) than group 1 (dice =0.812±0.046). Conversely, in scenarios with minor motion, IVIM-Morph,employing both sets of hyperparameters, consistently maintained ahigh dice coefficient. Table 2 summarizes the running times for thediffernt algorithms. While the Iterative SyN-TRF approach yiedls ahigher Dice score, it is approximalty 4 times slower compared toIVIM-Morph. Further, Fig. 3 shows the signal decay along the b-valueaxis after registration using SyN-Reg to b0, Iterative SyN-TRF, andIVIM-Morph for a representative case. Although IVIM-Morph yieldeda lower Dice score in this case, it better preserved the expected signal decay behavior, ensuring a more physically plausible registration.This balance between anatomical alignment and realistic signal decay is crucial for accurate IVIM parameter estimation, highlightingIVIM-Morph’s effectiveness in maintaining signal integrity alongsidereasonable anatomical registration.
5.1. 超参数调优 第一组的最优超参数为:(\alpha_1 = 10),(\alpha_2 = 0.015),(\alpha_3 = 0.1);第二组的最优超参数为:(\alpha_1 = 0.5),(\alpha_2 = 0.015),(\alpha_3 = 0.8)。 ### 5.2. 肺部分割评估 肺部分割评估结果如图5所示。每种对比方法的平均迪赛系数(Dice coefficient)以箱线图的形式呈现,分别针对小幅度运动病例和大幅度运动病例。我们计算了两次迪赛系数,一次使用第一组的最优超参数,另一次使用第二组的最优超参数。我们还绘制了应用配准之前的平均迪赛系数。在小幅度运动病例中,配准前的平均迪赛系数为(0.878 \pm 0.036),在大幅度运动病例中为(0.771 \pm 0.040),这与病例的运动水平预期相符。对于涉及大幅度运动的病例,IVIM-Morph成功提高了迪赛系数,第二组(迪赛系数(= 0.854 \pm 0.038))取得的结果优于第一组(迪赛系数(= 0.812 \pm 0.046))。相反,在小幅度运动的场景中,使用两组超参数的IVIM-Morph都能始终保持较高的迪赛系数。表2总结了不同算法的运行时间。虽然迭代对称归一化变换场(Iterative SyN-TRF)方法得出的迪赛分数更高,但它的速度大约比IVIM-Morph慢四倍。此外,图3展示了在一个代表性病例中,使用对称归一化配准到(b_0)(SyN-Reg to b0)、迭代对称归一化变换场(Iterative SyN-TRF)和IVIM-Morph进行配准后,沿b值轴的信号衰减情况。尽管在这个病例中IVIM-Morph得出的迪赛分数较低,但它更好地保留了预期的信号衰减行为,确保了更符合物理原理的配准。在解剖结构对齐和真实信号衰减之间取得这种平衡对于准确估计IVIM参数至关重要,这凸显了IVIM-Morph在实现合理的解剖结构配准的同时保持信号完整性方面的有效性。
Fig. 1. Fetal DWI data acquired with varying b-values. Fetal motion causes the observed signal (red circles) to deviate from the expected signal decay model (solid line). Fittingthe model to the observed signal without accounting for motion may lead to an incorrect estimate of the model parameters (dashed line)
Fig. 2. The architecture of the IVIM-Morph network, comprises two sub-networks: a quantitative IVIM (qIVIM), a convolutional neural network (CNN), and an image registrationsub-network. The qIVIM-CNN sub-network extracts IVIM parameters from the DWI data, while the image registration sub-network aligns each b-value image with the correspondingimage reconstructed by the IVIM parameters.
Fig. 3. Signal decay along the relaxation axis (b-value) after registration with SyN-Reg to b0, Iterative SyN-TRF, and IVIM-Morph. Although IVIM-Morph yielded a lower Dicescore in this case compared to other methods, it better preserved the expected signal decay behavior, reflecting a more physically plausible registration.
图3:使用对称归一化配准到b0(SyN-Reg to b0)方法、迭代对称归一化变换场(Iterative SyN-TRF)方法以及IVIM-Morph方法进行配准后,沿弛豫轴(b值)方向的信号衰减情况。尽管在这种情况下,与其他方法相比,IVIM-Morph得到的迪赛系数得分较低,但它更好地保留了预期的信号衰减特性,这表明其配准结果在物理层面上更为合理。
Fig. 4. Average dice coefficient computed for lung segmentation between 𝑆0 and thedeformed lung segmentation in 𝑆𝑖 (for 𝑖 > 0), utilizing IVIM-Morph in 10 specificallychosen cases with varying 𝛼3 values. The blue line indicates the cases characterized bymajor motion, whereas the orange line corresponds to the cases with minor motion.
Fig. 5. Results from the Lung Segmentation Evaluation Experiment. The bar plot at thetop illustrates the dice coefficients for cases with significant motion, while the bottombar plot shows the dice coefficients for cases with minimal motion. In both plots, thedashed line and the shaded area indicate the average and standard deviation of thedice scores prior to the application of registration.
Fig. 6. Comparison of IVIM parameter estimation methods for a single subject. (a) Baseline 𝑆0 image. (b) IVIM parameter maps (𝐷𝑝 , 𝐷𝑡 , and 𝐹) estimated using differentapproaches: SLS-TRF, Affine registration to 𝑆(𝑏0 ), SyN registration to 𝑆(𝑏0 ), SyN registration to the previous b-value image, Iterative SyN-TRF, VoxelMorph, and IVIM-Morph. Thecontours of one lung are shown for reference.
图6:针对单个受试者的体素内不相干运动(IVIM)参数估计方法的比较。(a) 基线 (S_0) 图像。(b) 使用不同方法估计得到的IVIM参数图((D_p)、(D_t) 和 (F)): 稀疏最小二乘法变换场(SLS-TRF)、仿射配准到 (S(b_0)) 图像、对称归一化(SyN)配准到 (S(b_0)) 图像、对称归一化配准到前一个b值的图像、迭代对称归一化变换场(Iterative SyN-TRF)、体素变形网络(VoxelMorph)以及IVIM-Morph方法。图中显示了一侧肺部的轮廓以供参考。
Fig. 7. The correlations between f and the GA in the canalicular stage are calculatedin two datasets: group 1 test cases and group 2 test cases.
图7:在小管期,分别在两个数据集(第一组测试病例和第二组测试病例)中计算了灌注分数参数 (f) 与孕周(GA)之间的相关性。
Table 1Prior bounds on the IVIM parameters
表1 体素内不相干运动(IVIM)参数的先验边界
Table 2Methods running times
表2 各方法的运行时间