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  • DDoCT:形态保持的双域联合优化用于快速稀疏视角低剂量CT成像|文献速递-视觉大模型医疗图像应用

  • Oldlee

    Lv. 72



DDoCT: Morphology preserved dual-domain joint optimization for fast sparse-view low-dose CT imaging




计算机断层扫描(CT)是当今广泛使用的医学成像技术。 作为一种非侵入性诊断工具,CT为临床应用提供了重要的解剖学信息,在现代医学的发展中起着至关重要的作用。其广泛的临床应用涵盖了多个重要领域。在临床诊断中,CT在识别各种疾病(如肿瘤和中风)的特征方面表现出强大的能力(Ginat和Gupta,2014)。在临床治疗中,尤其是在肿瘤放疗的背景下,CT图像能够精确定位肿瘤并引导放疗射束,从而确保治疗计划的准确性并优化治疗效果。此外,CT还为外科医生提供了高分辨率的内部解剖图像,有助于术前计划。











Computed tomography (CT) is continuously becoming a valuable diagnostic technique in clinical practice.However, the radiation dose exposure in the CT scanning process is a public health concern. Within medicaldiagnoses, mitigating the radiation risk to patients can be achieved by reducing the radiation dose throughadjustments in tube current and/or the number of projections. Nevertheless, dose reduction introducesadditional noise and artifacts, which have extremely detrimental effects on clinical diagnosis and subsequentanalysis. In recent years, the feasibility of applying deep learning methods to low-dose CT (LDCT) imaging hasbeen demonstrated, leading to significant achievements. This article proposes a dual-domain joint optimizationLDCT imaging framework (termed DDoCT) which uses noisy sparse-view projection to reconstruct highperformance CT images with joint optimization in projection and image domains. The proposed method notonly addresses the noise introduced by reducing tube current, but also pays special attention to issues suchas streak artifacts caused by a reduction in the number of projections, enhancing the applicability of DDoCTin practical fast LDCT imaging environments. Experimental results have demonstrated that DDoCT has madesignificant progress in reducing noise and streak artifacts and enhancing the contrast and clarity of the images.






In this paper, we propose DDoCT, a novel deep-learning framework for dual-domain joint optimization designed for noisy sparse-viewLDCT imaging. It provides a new definition for noisy sparse-view LDCTimaging by integrating precisely designed projection domain superresolution with image domain wavelet high-frequency feature fusiontechnology. Fig. 1 illustrates this framework. The framework is dividedinto two key processing stages: projection domain processing and imagedomain processing. By combining the RFDN-sino and WHF-DN networks, DDoCT provides innovative solutions in practical LDCT imagingenvironments.During the projection domain stage, the network takes noisy sparseview sinograms 𝑆𝑖 as input. The RFDN-sino network is employed topredict a low-noise dense sinograms 𝑆𝑝 from the input. Subsequently,the classical FBP algorithm is used to map the sinogram from the projection domain to the image domain, obtaining the reconstructed image 𝐼**𝑖 .The design of this stage mainly aims to address the streak artifacts andpseudo-structures introduced by the incomplete projections, therebyimproving the quality of 𝐼**𝑖 and simultaneously reducing noise levels.During the image domain processing stage, in order to address thesecondary artifacts and the residual noise, the 𝐼𝑖 is passed through theWHF-DN in the image domain and ultimately aims to generate a highquality image 𝐼𝑝 that can be as consistent as possible with the NDCTimages.Through this design, the entire framework is able to comprehensively handle various noises and artifacts introduced in the practical LDCT imaging environment, yielding more accurate and high performance CT images.


在投影域阶段,网络将噪声稀疏视角的正弦图 𝑆𝑖 作为输入。RFDN-sino网络用于从输入中预测出低噪声的密集正弦图 𝑆𝑝 。随后,使用经典的滤波反投影(FBP)算法将正弦图从投影域映射到图像域,得到重建图像 𝐼𝑖 。这一阶段的设计主要旨在解决因投影不完整而引入的条纹伪影和伪结构,从而改善 𝐼**𝑖 的质量并同时降低噪声水平。

在图像域处理阶段,为了进一步处理二次伪影和残余噪声,𝐼𝑖 被传递到图像域的WHF-DN网络中,最终目标是生成一个与常规剂量CT(NDCT)图像尽可能一致的高质量图像 𝐼𝑝 。




This paper proposes a dual-domain joint optimization framework,DDoCT, specifically designed for noisy sparse-view LDCT imaging.DDoCT leverages the capabilities provided by deep neural networks forprojection domain super-resolution and image domain wavelet highfrequency fusion to learn dual-domain mapping relationships, offering anew definition for LDCT imaging. In the projection domain, RFDN-sinolearns the transformation mapping from noisy sparse-view sinogramsto low-noise dense sinograms, providing clearer and less noisy inputimages for the image domain stage. In the image domain, WHF-DNis responsible for addressing secondary artifacts and residual noise.Particularly, by learning the fusion relationships of high-frequencyfeatures in the wavelet domain, the WHF-DN further refines imagedetails and improves the overall quality of the images.The design of DDoCT not only focuses on addressing the noiseintroduced by reducing tube current, but also solves issues such asstreak artifacts caused by a reduction in the number of projections. Thiscomprehensive design enhances the applicability of DDoCT in practicalLDCT imaging environments. Experimental results have demonstratedthat our proposed DDoCT can comprehensively handle various noisesand artifacts in practical LDCT imaging environments, producing moreaccurate and high-performance CT images. It has the potential to beapplied in clinical workflows.However, there are also some limitations in this study. The performance of the trained model may be influenced by the complexityof artifact patterns in certain scenarios. For instance, artifacts arisingfrom extremely sparse projection sampling, metal artifacts due to theimplantation of dense objects, and truncation artifacts resulting froman inadequate field of view all pose significant challenges. While all ofthese cases lead to degradation in model performance, they are alsochallenging scenarios for classical image reconstruction algorithms.To address these issues, future work will focus on optimizing themodel design further and introducing physics constraints to improve itsrobustness and adaptability to such edge cases. Additionally, we planto explore techniques for enhancing inference efficiency to enable moreeffective application of DDoCT in diverse clinical settings.







In this work, we used a publicly released patient dataset for the2016 NIH-AAPM-Mayo Clinic Low-Dose CT Grand Challenge. Thedataset contains abdominal NDCT images from 10 patients with a slicethickness of 1 mm. The quarter-dose LDCT images were generatedby inserting Poisson noise into the projection data to mimic a noiselevel thatcorresponded to 25% of the full dose. In this study, wefurther generate noisy sparse-view sinograms and low-noise dense viewsinograms by using the Mayo dataset. Specifically, by performing 240parallel-beam projections around 360 degrees on the original LDCTimages, we simulated noisy sparse-view sinograms using this sparsesampling approach, denoted as 𝑆𝑖 . By performing 720 parallel-beamprojections around 360 degrees on the original NDCT images, wesimulated low-noise dense sinograms, denoted as 𝑆𝐺𝑇 . We used datafrom 9 patients as the training dataset, resulting in a total of 5410 pairs,and data from the remaining 1 patient as the test dataset, resulting ina total of 526 pairs.We also used in-house real low- and high-dose head phantom datafor experimental validation. Specifically, an anthropomorphic headphantom was scanned using a cone beam CT on-board imager (TrueBeam System, Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA). The phantomdata comprises pairs of CT images acquired using low-dose parameters (80 kV, 100 mA) and high-dose parameters (80 kV, 400 mA),with the low-dose settings representing one-quarter of the radiationexposure of the high-dose configurations. We applied the same preprocessing method used for the Mayo dataset to the phantom data,generating corresponding noisy sparse-view sinograms. The data directly reflect the noise and artifact characteristics under real low- andnormal dose conditions in daily CBCT for patient setup in image-guidedradiotherapy.

在本研究中,我们使用了公开发布的2016 NIH-AAPM-Mayo Clinic低剂量CT大赛数据集。该数据集包含来自10位患者的腹部常规剂量CT(NDCT)图像,切片厚度为1毫米。四分之一剂量的低剂量CT(LDCT)图像是通过在投影数据中插入泊松噪声生成的,以模拟相当于全剂量25%的噪声水平。在本研究中,我们进一步利用Mayo数据集生成了噪声稀疏视角正弦图和低噪声密集视角正弦图。具体而言,通过对原始LDCT图像在360度范围内执行240次平行束投影,我们采用稀疏采样方法模拟了噪声稀疏视角正弦图,记为 𝑆**𝑖 。通过对原始NDCT图像在360度范围内执行720次平行束投影,我们模拟了低噪声密集正弦图,记为 𝑆**𝐺𝑇 。我们使用来自9位患者的数据作为训练数据集,总计5410对样本,并使用剩余1位患者的数据作为测试数据集,总计526对样本。

我们还使用了内部真实低剂量和高剂量头部模体数据进行实验验证。具体而言,使用锥束CT(TrueBeam System, Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA)对仿人头部模体进行扫描。模体数据包括使用低剂量参数(80 kV, 100 mA)和高剂量参数(80 kV, 400 mA)获取的CT图像对,其中低剂量设置代表高剂量配置辐射暴露的四分之一。我们对模体数据应用了与Mayo数据集相同的预处理方法,生成了相应的噪声稀疏视角正弦图。这些数据直接反映了在图像引导放疗中患者摆位的日常CBCT低剂量和常规剂量条件下的噪声和伪影特性。



Fig. 1. DDoCT: A deep learning dual-domain joint optimization framework for noisy sparse-view CT imaging. The framework leverages the capabilities of projection domain superresolution and image domain wavelet high-frequency fusion provided by deep neural networks. FP and FBP refer to forward projection and filtered back projection, respectively.RFDN-sino and WHF-DN refer to two sub-networks applied in the projection domain stage and image domain stage, respectively

图1. DDoCT: 一种用于噪声稀疏视角CT成像的深度学习双域联合优化框架。该框架利用深度神经网络在投影域超分辨率和图像域小波高频融合中的能力。FP 和 FBP 分别表示前向投影和滤波反投影。RFDN-sino 和 WHF-DN 分别是应用于投影域阶段和图像域阶段的两个子网络。


Fig. 2. The detailed structure of the dual-domain joint optimization framework DDoCT projection domain stage network RFDN-sino and its key modules. (a) Projection domainstage network RFDN-sino in DDoCT. (b) The network structure of EFDB module in RFDN-sino. © DCR: Network structure of dense residual connection block. (d) ESA: Networkstructure of enhanced spatial attention module.

图2. 双域联合优化框架DDoCT中投影域阶段网络RFDN-sino及其关键模块的详细结构。 (a) DDoCT中的投影域阶段网络RFDN-sino。 (b) RFDN-sino中的EFDB模块网络结构。 © DCR:密集残差连接块的网络结构。 (d) ESA:增强空间注意模块的网络结构。


Fig. 3. The detailed structure of the dual-domain joint optimization framework DDoCT image domain stage network WHF-DN and its Spatial module and FEN module. (a) Imagedomain stage network WHF-DN in DDoCT. DWT and IDWT refer to the first-level wavelet transformation and inverse wavelet transformation, respectively. L, H, D, and V representthe low-frequency component, horizontal high-frequency component, diagonal high-frequency component, and vertical high-frequency component, respectively, after the first-levelwavelet transformation. (b) The network structure of the Spatial module in WHF-DN. © The network structure of the FEN module in WHF-DN.

图3. 双域联合优化框架DDoCT中图像域阶段网络WHF-DN的详细结构,以及其空间模块(Spatial module)和特征增强模块(FEN module)。 (a) DDoCT中的图像域阶段网络WHF-DN。DWT和IDWT分别表示一级小波变换和逆小波变换。L、H、D和V分别代表一级小波变换后的低频分量、水平高频分量、对角高频分量和垂直高频分量。 (b) WHF-DN中空间模块(Spatial module)的网络结构。 © WHF-DN中特征增强模块(FEN module)的网络结构。


Fig. 4. The network structure of the wavelet domain feature learning network (WFLN) in WHF-DN

图4. WHF-DN中小波域特征学习网络(WFLN)的网络结构。


Fig. 5. Comparison of visual (together with quantitative results of PSNR and SSIM)and difference images of the Mayo testing dataset. The set range of the display windowis a window level of 40 HU and a window width of 400 HU (i.e., a range from −160HU to 240 HU). As for the difference images of the latter, the set range of the displaywindow is a window level of 0 HU and a window width of 200 HU (i.e., a range from−100 HU to 100 HU).

图5. Mayo测试数据集中视觉效果(以及PSNR和SSIM的定量结果)和差异图像的对比。显示窗口的设置范围为窗位40 HU,窗宽400 HU(即范围为−160 HU到240 HU)。对于后者的差异图像,显示窗口的设置范围为窗位0 HU,窗宽200 HU(即范围为−100 HU到100 HU)。


Fig. 6. Comparison of visual (together with quantitative results of PSNR and SSIM)images of the anthropomorphic head phantom dataset, which comprises pairs of CTimages acquired using on-board CBCT scanner with low-dose (80 kV, 100 mA) andhigh-dose (80 kV, 400 mA) settings, respectively. The set range of the display windowis a window level of 500 HU and a window width of 3000 HU (i.e., a range from−1000 HU to 2000 HU)

图6. 仿人头部模体数据集图像的视觉效果对比(包括PSNR和SSIM的定量结果)。该数据集包含使用机载CBCT扫描仪分别在低剂量(80 kV,100 mA)和高剂量(80 kV,400 mA)设置下获取的CT图像对。显示窗口的设置范围为窗位500 HU,窗宽3000 HU(即范围为−1000 HU到2000 HU)。


Fig. 7. The prediction results of different ablation models (together with quantitativeresults of PSNR and SSIM). The set range of the display window is a window levelof 40 HU and a window width of 400 HU (i.e., a range from −160 HU to 240 HU).A1: Learn mapping in the projection domain, directly reconstruct CT with FBP, noimage domain optimization. A2: Mapping learned only in the image domain. Inputis FBP-reconstructed image from noisy sparse-view sinograms 𝑆𝑖 . A3: Main networkbut without forward projection feedback loss and bicubic interpolation loss. A4: Mainnetwork with enhanced pixel-level L2 loss. A5: Main network but without perceptualloss. M: Our full model.

图7. 不同消融模型的预测结果(包括PSNR和SSIM的定量结果)。显示窗口的设置范围为窗位40 HU,窗宽400 HU(即范围为−160 HU到240 HU)。A1:仅在投影域中学习映射,直接通过FBP重建CT图像,无图像域优化。A2:仅在图像域中学习映射,输入为从噪声稀疏视角正弦图 𝑆𝑖 通过FBP重建的图像。A3:主网络,但没有前向投影反馈损失和双三次插值损失。A4:主网络,增强了像素级的L2损失。A5:主网络,但没有感知损失。M:我们的完整模型。



Table 1The average PSNR, SSIM, RMSE and VIF results of all 526 simulated noisy sparse-viewsinograms for test patient ‘‘L506’’ in the Mayo dataset

表1 Mayo数据集中测试患者“L506”的所有526个模拟噪声稀疏视角正弦图的平均PSNR、SSIM、RMSE和VIF结果。


Table 2The average PSNR, SSIM, RMSE, and VIF results of the real dose head phantom data.

表2 真实剂量头部模体数据的平均PSNR、SSIM、RMSE和VIF结果。


Table 3Quantitative comparison of different ablation experiments on test patient ‘‘L506’’ in theMayo dataset.

表3 Mayo数据集中测试患者“L506”在不同消融实验中的定量比较结果。
